Although I don't consider myself a part of the target audience for a kit like this one, I understand the appeal completely. Back in 1977 I thought about putting a Poopatrooper into a rocket I built out of a paper towel tube. There was an issue with the launch rod and the rocket burned on the pad, but years later when my son was of the age to be entertained by rockets, I made his first kit the Estes Bail Out, the predecessor to the Freefall. Same concept here. The rocket not only ejects a parachute, but also a paratrooper with his own parachute. We treed Sam's GI Joe on the first flight, but we'd only paid $1 for him, so it was an easy fix. The rocket itself flies on to this day. I initially bought the Freefall for use in cloning an Estes MX Missile, but also picked up a second one to fly as intended. Cheap thrills. The monkey house erupts.