Estes B.O.S.S.
Impressive design and a fun build

The B.O.S.S. harkens back to the great sci-fi kits of the 70's and 80's and would fit right in with the USS Atlantis, SS Cassiopaia, Satellite Interceptor and Andromeda. Construction would be right along the lines of a skill level 3 kit from the old days, which seems average rather than advanced. Paint is a simple black and white scheme, always a welcome feature. Decals aren't as involved as the Interceptor or Andromeda, but book off an afternoon when the time comes to apply them. Flown on a C6-5 for the first flight, it topped out around 500', slightly low level for a C flight, but likely because of the stout breeze that caused windcocking. Excellent addition to any fleet.