Reviews : Academy German F104G Starfighter Aircraft

German F104G Starfighter Aircraft
Academy Plastics German F104G Starfighter Aircraft

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Academy F-140G
I just completed an older boxing of this kit. It comes from even older molds. According to Scalemates, the kit dates to 1963 Hasagawa molds. There is not a lot of detail. The main landing gear bay is a gaping hole. The are speed bakes that can be opened, but there is noting behind them except a whole. Cockpit detail is pretty much non-existant. The tabs for the wingtip fuel tanks are quite week. I accidently snapped it off and had to create some exterior bracing to keep it in place. I did enjoy painting the kit to a close representation of the box art and the decals were mostly ok for being over 25 years old. I would not build this kit again. There is so much basic detail that is missing.
My father bought me this also, If I remember correctly and I had to repaint it after using wrong color. This model is a pretty nice size almost as big as an f-15 but being very narrow and fast! It was also a delicate aircraft and the only little challenge was the missiles were very skinny and the arms that hold them kept on falling off of itself and off the a/c. Glue first missile to the arm and then after it dries, to the aircraft. I painted light blue bottom, medium blue top and with dark green as camo, do lightest color first. decals weren't hard. The only things I wish it this was a USA aircraft and had US decals, but then I guess its nice to have a variety of different airplanes
military jet
model has good raised panel lines but what can you expect with a 1/72 scale model. I enjoyed making this model and weould buy again but a different version. this model was tricky because alot of small parts but I like Hasegawa models. The benefit of making 1/72 scale is that they are easy to store when completed. The only thing is painting them can be a bear.
simple but good
All thow there is not a lot of detale. It is a simple plane to build the inst are good and paint inst are easy. The cockpit has no detale but there is a base pilot for seat. The detals are for one plane and are easy to use. It comes with four tanks and two sidewinders. A good but simple model a plane for all.
Good kit
This was a good kit but was a bit simplistic. Flash was present. Styrene was soft. Releasing Agent was thick on the parts and took forever to get off. I did not have any major issues with fit.
By: knippw
This was very nice to put together there was no flash.The decals went down great with some setting solution. All in all i really liked this kit
F 104G