A must have for anyone using superglues!!
I had been using nail polish remove to remove superglue for my finger, but saw this product and thought I would give it a try. This stuff is great! Removes superglue from your finger, but it will also debond parts that have been already glued together with superglue. Just apply a couple of drops and wait a few second and using a sharp hobby knife separate the parts. This product is a must for a model builders work bench.
If you use superglue...you'll eventually use this.
Not just for unsticking fingers! I like this for stripping down old lead, pewter, or white metal wargaming figures to the bare metal. It begins to wrinkle up the paint almost instantaneously, and in a short time removes primer and CA glue, too. (I have not tested it on various plastics or resin.)
Must have
Awesome I get CA glue on my hands almost every time i use it, so this is very helpful.
Great Price & Product
Excellent price and product Debonds CA Zap - a - Gap quickly and without headaches.
Does the job well...
This type of product either works or it doesn't. It works. Will get you unstuck.
I have been looking for some of this and will keep it in my feild box.
good stuff
work's good with zap a gap.It was cheap and got here fast.