Bluenose II
Firstly, I enjoyed building the model up to the time I started on the rigging and the rigging of the sails. Their are no instructions in the books ( Poor to start with ), for any running rigging; ie; NO topping lifts on any boom;
NO Quarter lifts;
NO Sheet Lines of any kind;
NO Footropes or Stirrups:
NO Spring Stay;
NO Boom Tackle on foremast Boom, or on Mainmast Boom;
Etc, Etc, Etc
The kit was 12 part # 220 Medium Brass Rings Short and short Double Blocks.
BUT; the biggest was that EVERY SAIL IN THE KIT IS TOO LARGE FOR THE MODEL The Main sail is 2 1/4 inches too long to go up the mast.
I've built the original Bluenose (Model Shipways Kit from Model Expo) and could not believe waht I was seeeing in this representation.
Why in the world would the kit designer connect the Jumbo Jig Boom to the foremast with a Yoke????