Reviews : Tamiya Acrylic Mini X16 Purple 1/3 oz
good paint
By: clunymike
Tamiya X-16 (Purple):
This is good paint. I got it to paint the camouflage pattern for WWI German planes (they used purple instead of brown to help with identification), but I’m sure there are many other applications. For example it would make a neat color for a classic car. The 10ml isn’t a bad sized pot, and its consistency is a bit on the thick side. It thins well with water, though Tamiya thinner is better, and if you thin it to 5-6 parts paint to 1 part water it will give a very nice brushstroke free look in 3-5 coats. Definitely use a surface primer though as this can easily pull off of bare plastic with multiple brushstrokes. It’s a neat color at a good price.
By: Tex Jester
DO NOT use Tamiya TS-13 clear gloss spray over this glorious purple gloss! The two react BADLY in looks like the clear is burning off the purple and gave a tremendous amount of orange peel.
This is a beautiful purple gloss.
** From Hobbylinc : Never put lacquer over acrylic, as it cures too hot and will damage the acrylic underneath.
Best model paint by far
By: Felgenhauer98
Tamiya makes the hobby paint on the planet. Its so easy to work with. The coverage is awesome. At first, coming from Testors, I was hesitant because Testors is so thin and barely covers. Once I used it, it was a game changer. I will be switching all my paints to Tamiya.
rarely used
By: nathans138
I never thought i'd need purple, but it was on sale. Has a bit of the white settling that you see in some Tamiya paints, so you really REALLY need to shake it and stir it to mix well.