Only F-8 in 1/32 scale unless you get a vacuum formed kit.
I built this kit and it went together very well. I'll start with what I liked about the kit, and end with what I didn't like or could see improvements on. This is the only injection mold F-8E in 1/32 scale. You can however buy a vacuum formed kit from Robert's Models also known as Combat Models. This kit comes with a highly detailed J-57 engine, that even has photo etched turbines. Most modelers won't take the time to assemble the engine seeing how you'll never see it. I feel otherwise. Yes the engine will not be seen. But the real one has an engine and you can't see it either. I think it's cool just knowing it's in there. You won't be able to see the front of the engine through the intake unless you purchase an aftermarket seamless intake. Or you can modify the kits intake by simply cutting the back out before gluing together. Not exactly seamless, but you will be able to see the engine. The landing gear and wheel bays are nicely detailed. I would have like to have seen rubber tires with this kit. Again just another preference of mine. This kit allows you to display highly detailed gun bays open, also the ram air turbine. Refueling probe can be displayed open or closed. Wing can be folded and have nicely detailed areas. Now what I didn't like about this kit. The cockpit ! The cockpit is lacking in detail especially for a 1/32 scale kit. It seems today the manufactures are skimping out on the detail of the cockpits, assuming after market cockpits like Aires will be purchased. The ejection seat was nicely done but still lacking some detail and has some inaccuracies. The only issue I had with assembly was joining the fuselage halves together. There's a lot of stuff crammed into the fuselage if you chose to add the guns, ram air turbine, engine, and of course the cockpit. I had issues with the fuselage halves trying to over lap, and it was a fight to keep it together in some areas. I ended up with the usual small gap and seam which required putty and sanding. Overall this kit is very nice and the pros outweigh the cons, which can be easily fixed or upgraded with after market parts. I highly recommend this kit. Update ! Get this kit while you can, Trumpeter has stopped making it.
I really enjoyed building the Ensign eliminator, unlike previous reviews of the F8 I did not build the engine, I worked on the J57 powerplants in the Air Force and in my opinion it didn't really look close! I also like the I know it's in there mentality however you really cant see ANY evidence of it's absents. TEST FIT everything! I have the refueling probe deployed and had a bit of trouble with the missiles fit/interfering. I had so sand/shave the main wing a bunch to get it to fit the fuselage. the F8 includes 4 under wing missile choices=cool! two different aircraft/unit markings from 1968, would've liked factory cut decals for the open doors, even with a brand new blade I had some touching up to perform after the cutting. Also included is a nice color rendering of both units aircraft that come in real handy when painting/decals. I'm always jealous of other modellers airbrush skills as previously stated I'm a paint brush only guy! (too cheap I guess) the kit has very stout landing gear, it makes into a nice rendering! get one while you can!