Beautiful, but can be difficult to use
If you are very patient, this product can give you one of the most realistic metal finishes available. It is very, very thin so it shows up every detail in the plastic underneath. It also shows every flaw in the plastic, including sanding scratches. The model must be smooth to about 320-400 grit before the foil will look good on it. Because the foil is very thin, it is also very fragile. It has to be worked down with a light touch until it is well stuck down. Be prepared to peel off and replace some sections until you get the touch. Works best on bare, unprimed plastic. Great for automotive trim, but these very small pieces will add an extra level of frustration until you get it right. Keep at it, though, the results will be well worth it!
Difficult for beginners, but still unbeatable
This material is fantastic! Although, it is difficult for beginners, once you get the hang of applying it the finished appearance is unbeatable for achieving that shiny chrome look. Have plenty of Q-tips on hand, as they get shredded pretty quickly during the embossing process. And try to save your scraps, because they can be used again to patch small imperfections in your application.
BMF1 Chrome has been improved
I have used the BMF1 foil for over 20 years. I noticed on the last few batches that it had a sticker that stated it was new and improved. I have to agree. The adhesive is much better and it is less prone to wrinkling. The new BMF1 Chrome is also less prone to curl when you peel it off of the backing than the BMF7 Ultra Bright Foil. You still need to use a new sharp blade to cut it, but the new changes are great.