Member Gallery
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Ticket booth and sign. Customized the "B" movie sign in Powerpoint.
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Ticket booth and screen infrastructure. Turquoise backing from kit attached to portable DVD player. Fencing added from another kit.
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Used in conjunction with Aurora Thunderjet slot car track. The refreshment stand in back is not included with kit, it was constructed from a horse shed and kit bashed store fronts,
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Side view. Turquoise sheet fro kit attached to DVD player screen. Carousel and swings not included, custom made.
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Layout with DVD player show "X - The Man With the X-Ray Eyes" starring Ray Milland.
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Side view.
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View showing live picture from DVD player, and playground equipment. Note the jeep driving through the aisle spraying a cloud of DDT to kill the mosquitoes (not included with kit).
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Close up of the jeep with drum of DDT. Note the custom made white speaker posts next to parked cars (not included with kit).
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Close up of speaker posts with wire and speaker box.
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Signage included with kit.
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More signage (included with kit). Fence from another kit.