Reviews : AK Track Wash Enamel Paint 35ml Bottle
nice product, easy to use
By: rarem37
This is the first time for me to use this track wash. I really like it. I painted it over grey rubberband type tracks. It turned them a rusty brown. I will use some other colors to highlight the tracks. I also tried this on some hard plastic link and length track. It works well, but tends to make the glue let go. I would suggest you paint the tracks before glueing.
For More Than Just Tracks
By: minireef05
The effect on tank tracks is really nice and makes for a nice weathering product. However, it can also be used for adding effects to drums, jerry cans, and even thinned down for a nice wash on figures to give uniforms a nice grimy tone (for those serving in the front lines for extended periods). Solid quality as with any AK Interactive.
Must have
Easy to apply wash , no cleaning required. Ive painted my tank tracks in rust brown, added this wash all over tracks, got very realistic rusted used tracks. just added some dry brush metal colour over it and tracks look so good.
a great effect for weathering
By: hhpodesta
This effect for the tracks is great, it doesn't take much later work to give realism. You have to give a base in metal color, then this product and then you can put mud or rust, etc. After using it, it became essential.
Must have for tracks
By: airbornerocks
It gives a great color to your tracks, perfect to apply after your base coat. Add some pigments afterwords and you've got some realistic looking tracks. A real must have for armor modelers.
Great product
By: hbike48
This stuff is great. Works perfectly as a wash on tracks. After I apply it and it dries just dry brush a little silver color and the tracks look really good.
Great wash
By: srpullen10
Works great on tracks. I might could use it as a panel wash also. AK makes some darn good products.
Layout /Building supplies
By: w3158823
I do not have anything to compare it to and can only say that the outcome is satisfactory!
track wash
By: pauly
i use the wash products to make a lot of things look realistic make things look real