Easy to use
These Chrome pens make detailing moldings a breeze. The 1mm pen sometimes had a hard time keeping paint on it however. Be careful to have to much come out other wise you will get it all over your finished paint job. This is not meant to be clear coated over. A bit of advise, keep a q-tip with alcohol close by just in case.
Very convincing chrome effect
I bought the refill so I could apply the chrome using a paintbrush, and it works very well this way. Please note, when I applied this over fully cured Tamiya paint, it reactivated the Tamiya paint, which started to mix into the chrome. I recommend laying down some non-Tamiya clear before applying the chrome, like some Future / Pledge. In my experience so far, the chrome seems to work best over bare plastic.
best chrome I have used, refil can be used in your airbrush
This chrome ink is the best chrome I have used. I still use foil, but this does even the largest areas with no problem. This refill ink can be sprayed thru your airbrush. It does not require any thinning since it is ink. Clean up is easy, just use non-acetone (pink) finger polish remover.