Reviews : Moebius 2001 Space Odyssey Discovery Spacecraft
Not for impatient or inexperienced modelers, Great kit with many details
By: pfinan73
Not for inexperienced or impatient modelers, Great New kit with detailed features
Like the 1/144 big brother, the 1/350 Discovery is not a kit for inexperienced or impatient modelers. 22 multi-sided boxes make up the spine and each has a specific style in sets of four. Drive yourself nuts and miss a side or hang it upside down and you will scream. HAL is not the problem but repetition is. The kit is slightly smaller than I thought but the ping-pong ball command sphere is right in scale. It has three open ports for the pods but no internals. Get Paragrafix EVA Pods and internals for extra fun. The overall presentation is excellent and part count (200) isn't too daunting. Molding is good and flash is minimal. There may be options for mounting but I will go with the factory supplied method. Happy modeling and build a 1/350 Monolith for scale too. Monolith is 1x4x9 according to 2010 errata.
I discovered Discovery in 1968
And finally built a model of it. I saw 2001 during its 1968 release and have always been a fan of the scientifically accurate spacecraft so was very happy when Moebius released this. I have the larger version as well. It is a good kit for being so small with lots of detail which by design is repetitive. I was very happy with the finished product but will tell builders it takes a bit of patience because of the small parts and repetitive nature of the build. I finished it with spray on white paint and then with Vallejo gray washes to bring out the depth and panel shading. A great kit for the 2001 fan for certain.
2001 Discovery
By: tcir
This is a nice little model. Easy to assemble, even with the little cargo pods. When you do the antennas make sure you work over a large smooth area. I lost a few bits, but they knew shakey old folks would so they give extras. I added magnets to the stand, so it will stay on better, and a little Dave being blown into the airlock. Sci-fi fan or not I think you'll really enjoy building it. Definitely recommended.
Easy build with excellent results
By: bibliofile
This kit fits together perfectly - aligned and even. A very nice display model.
PROS - excellent detail for the scale. Metal rod (included) is the perfect length and strength. Cargo containers on spine are easy to line up straight. Excellent instructions.
CONS - the sprues are a little thick along attach areas. Care needs to be taken when detaching.