Reviews : Smalltown City Sidewalks Kit 10 x 40 Scale Feet (6)

City Sidewalks Kit 10 x 40 Scale Feet (6)
Smalltown U.S.A. City Sidewalks Kit 10 x 40 Scale Feet (6)

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Excellent way to make straight sidewalks for dioramas
This kit consists of 6 pieces, each measuring 1.5 x 5.5 x .060 thick. There is a score line running down the center of each piece's underside allowing it to be split in half to make narrower sidewalks. Some of the pieces have a manhole cover, driveway, left and right turn curved curbs. The sidewalk has a well defined curb on one side (its it scored underneath too if you with to remove it to use at courtyard sections) and the walkway is slightly textured. Overall a very nice way to put in straight sidewalks. Highly recommended.
Using half width.
Simple to cut down to 1 row with grove on the back for dioramas with parking lots, etc. Also goes twice as far that way! The standard double rows look nice for store-fronts, etc. Nice variety of driveway, corners & manhole covers. Using Testors acrylic flat grey is a dead on match for hiding seams and blending in your weathering.
City sidewalk
By: Zork
The sidewalk is narrower than what is on the merchant row models. Was hoping for the same size. Also would expect a few more pieces for the price. They work fine however.
g-scale city sidewalk
I will tape two or three sidewalks together for the length of six g-scale buildings.