Reviews : Squadron Putty Applicator

Putty Applicator
Squadron/Signal Putty Applicator

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Squadron Putty Applicator #10205
When I first pulled this applicator out of the box I thought When will I need this thing? It looked rather sophisticated so I continued to use toothpicks and #10 scalpel blades for shaping and smoothing putty jobs. Curiosity got the best of me and now I use it almost exclusively for applying putty. Easy to use in shaping and forming putty in and around seams, joints, and places which require a bit of patching. Easy to clean to, simply wipe off and move on with applying more putty or to put back until the next time. I recommend this putty applicator.
Must have
This tool is so usefull I say it is a must have for any serious modeller. The spoon shaped end is great for almost any puttying job, where you need to fill imperfections and the hooked end will enale you to get oto those hard to reach areas. Of course there are a lot of other tools with different shapes for different applications, but this one will suite probably 90 - 95 percent of what you will need to do. Don't waste your money buying a full set, buy this, and when you find an application that it can't handle then look for one that will.
buy good tools
This tool is great for me. I was using coffee stirrers, my fingers, etc. This saves my skin. that tamiya putty does not come off easily. I am able to use the required amount of putty and I do not get it all over places that do not need it. Saves my a lot of clean up time. I will look for a more flexible one, but this one is great. A nice weight and feel. the knife end also scrapes. I would place this in a beginning modeler kit.
Nice control
I really liked the sense of control while applying putty. Before I purchased this tool I was using plastic putty spatula which was very difficult at times, especially small areas. The metal applicator solved most of these problems and makes it much nicer to get the material where you need it. It may seem expensive but it is worth it. I have used it for bare metal foil also for getting out tough creases.
Nice tool to have around
The work ends of this tool have a very nice polish and are easy to wipe clean. One end is similar to a butter knife with a point. I like this end for cleaning up dried filler a bit like a scraper. The other end is almost like a golf putter, which I also find as a great tool for reaching into a homemade bottle of liquid sprue to turn over and mix up.
Putty Applicator #SQU10205
I have used this item on a few of my projects already, and have found that it works well for more precise and less messy putty applications. The long spade-like end works well towards filling seams, and the bladed end helps to keep intentional molded seams/joints cleared. It is of nice quality, and I would recommend it to others.
great for putty
By: CS
This tool works just great for applying putty. It feels nice and solid in the hand, and the edges of the tips are very defined, allowing the putty to be spread flush without marring the surface of the plastic. Dried putty residue is also easily scrapped off this tool. The body has a hexagon profile so it does not roll around.
Helpful and sturdy tool
This putty applicator is a must-have tool for every hobbyist. It's not only useful for applying putty, such as Tamiya's white putty, but can also be used for burnishing masking tape, wiping excess glue from applied parts, and smoothing out other materials such as clays. It's also sturdy and easily cleaned.
Great for filling gapsin plastic models
This putty applicator is great for filling both large and small gaps and seams in plastic models with. plastic putty. I've used it to fill both fuselage gaps and wing to fuselage seams which were too wide with very good results. Both the narrow, round end and the wider flat spade end have been very useful.
Squadron Tools putty applicator.
Again, seeing a review for this tool, I ordered it. It sure beats using my finger Lets face it, tools will do a better job. We all like our models to look real and the job will go faster if you get a few basic tools to help. I have read a few other reviews and will be ordering a few more tools.
Excellent for sticky putty
By: Tommy
I wet the tip a bit and all problems with putty sticking onto my fingers disappeared. It is also handy for flattening putty fillings and for cutting putty. I also use it to stir paint because it's made of stainless steel. It is a bit pricey... oh well. Very useful.
Absolutely necessary!
By: e.coxe
This tool is absolutely necessary for any serious modeling enthusiast. It not only spreads and evenly applies plastic putty, but can be used for applying masking tape and Bare Metal Foil, or scraping excess paint and overspray. Sure makes the modeling life easier!
Great putty tool!
I have several tools for working with putty. This one is useful for getting into tight spaces. the angled end allows one to get around, or between, obstructions such as struts, or into hard to reach recesses. Tools for working with putty cannot be overrated!
Easy to use, perfect for putty.
I put off buying a putty knife for years because I thought my old dull Testors' black hobby knives would do the trick, but since I bought this item it's been the only tool I've utilized for putty application, from Testors' white to Mr Surfacer.
A good putty tool
This is a pretty nice applicator of sculpting tool for the hobbyist. Easy to use. Worth every penny.
great tool
this is much better than tooth picks , it is a must have for anyone who builds models
Good Tool
Very strong tool for applying putty and smoothing. Easy to clear and very well made.
Squadron Putty Applicator
Very good at working putty on your models. Good quality product made of metal.
this is great for getting in tight spaces that need some touching up
Great Tool
Solidly built and easy to clean. Right tool for putty application.
Excellent tool
This tool is great. Works well to fill in gaps and seams.