I don't know if i got a bad one, but this kit was a pain. Had to do a lot of fine tuning to get the parts to fit right. The window assembly for the driver hatch just would not fit right, every way i tried it just would not align!!. Ended not using it and just had the driver hatch closed. The instruction booklet does not give you all the angles, so you are left to guess.
Excellent Kit
This is a well detailed kit. There is little to no flash on the pieces. The kit comes with some photo etch parts as well as some paper parts for MRE and soda cases. This kit would be good for any modeler. The photo etch parts are simple to use for someone who as never used PE parts before.
Very nice kit
Very nice kit. Sprues are nice. Plastic is excellent. Trumpeter kits are nice to put together.
Excellent kit, it was what I expect, I will recommend to other modellers.
Nice Model
I enjoyed building this model and plan on buying more like it later.