Reviews : Woodland Municipal Building

Municipal Building
Woodland Scenics Municipal Building

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Municipal Building -- HO Scale Model Railroad Building -- #br5030 (woobr5030) lights up
This Municipal Building - HO Scale BR5030 by woodland scenics is a built and ready landmark building. The description doesn’t state gut it has led lights and a printed background so when lighted it is cool to see the inside. You need a 3/8 or greater bit to drill a hole for the wire to go though it has a canon and a flag pole with it. to make the lights work you need the just plug light system available on this site. If you get this building and have just plug system you’re set, but if you don’t my advice you need 3 things, the Auxiliary Switch JP5725 otherwise it stays on to plug it in you need Light Hub JP5701, then if you want to plug it in to the layout you can, or the best way is to get the Just Plug Power Supply JP-PS. With the Light Hub JP5701 you can dim it or make it brighter, I will put some photos on at some point, so you can see it.