East Junction Yard Office

Item Number: jli450
5.0 Stars (3 Reviews)

East Junction Yard Office

Item Number: jli450
Now $15.99
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Great small yard building
The directions were easy to follow. The hardest part with the walls is getting them squared. I merely used some square strips to even out the walls. I used a random light gray wash over the medium gray paint on the walls to give it a weathered look. For the roofing, I used two washes. The first was a red and then a brown. The two blended nicely on multiple areas. The trim, fence and ladders I painted a fire engine red to stand out. The two large barrels I painted brown. The smaller barrels I painted different colors so they would stand out.
Perfect Looking Yard Office for a Mid 20thC Rural MOW
This is an architectural beauty and a great fit! However, encountered some things to note about the parts included. It almost seems that they were packaged from many individual sources beyond what has been typically encountered. The windows and doors match the building nicely, but both door frames, separate and very thin pieces, broke during assembly and needed to be replaced with surplus in order to close the distance. After the door openings fix, its pretty much smooth sailing to where its shown in the pictures... Other changes to the original kit plan included adding custom floor, ceiling and roof sections to primarily eliminate light leakage. The scratch built roof 1/16 stock so sides were painted white instead of adding the supplied 3/16 thin facia to the supplied roof. The layout's structures need to be placed on or removed from the portable layout so minimizing exposed fragile trim is preferred. Another nice item, though chose not to use, is the aluminum sheet which provides the metal look and closes the opening between the roof sections. Decided instead to use the aluminum for a scratch build warehouse. The instructions reference a number of surrounding props, but not all matched what was supplied. The architecture propels the kit from a Good to an Excellent rating. Overall, if one is comfortable working with the N scale detailed parts and needs a small yard office with a last century, non-modular look, this is an excellent option at around $15

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