Model Scratch Building Plastic Supplies
Hobbylinc carries 848 model scratch building plastic supplies from 12 manufacturers. Model Scratch Building Plastic Supplies are discounted up to 41%. Popular manufacturers are Plastruct, Evergreen, JTP and RJSpeed. Categories include all scales, and miscellaneous.
Evergreen Plastic Styrene Odds & Ends Model Railroad Scratch Building Supply.
Plastruct Hand Rails Styrene (2) Model Scratch Building Plastic Supplies.
Plastruct I Beam Styrene 1/2 (4) Model Scratch Building Plastic Strips.
Plastruct White Sheet Styrene .060 (3) Model Scratch Building Plastic Sheets.
Evergreen Plastic Styrene Plain Sheet .040x6x12 (2) Model Railroad Scratch Building Supply.
RJSpeed Lexan Sheet 8x12'' .020 .
RJSpeed Lexan Sheet 8x12'' .010'' 0.25mm (2) .
RJSpeed Lexan Sheet 8x12'' .030 .
RJSpeed Lexan Sheet Large 12x16'' .030 .75mm .
RJSpeed Lexan Sheet Large 12x16x.020 .5mm .