Reviews : Tamiya Lacquer Mini LP5 Semi Gloss Black 1/3 oz Tamiya Lacquer Mini LP5 Semi Gloss Black 1/3 oz $2.50 Leave a Rating! ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ OR Write a Review! Write a Review Sort 5-Star: 2 (2 ratings) 4-Star: 0 (0 ratings) 3-Star: 0 (0 ratings) 2-Star: 0 (0 ratings) 1-Star: 0 (0 ratings) Reviews Love this paint! By: bconnweig This is my go-to for airbrushing my model cars. As a great majority of parts for most kits are SG Black, I go through a lot of it. Thins well with Tamiya Laquer Thinner of Mr. Hobby leveling thinner. (0) Amazing Paint!!!!! By: patedusty Fantastic Paint. 6 for $11.94 amazing deal. You can't go wrong with Tamiya Lacquer - they're much better than there acrylic paints. (0)