Pinto Plastic Model Cars / Trucks / Vehicles 1/20-1/29 Scale

Hobbylinc carries 2 pinto plastic model cars / trucks / vehicles 1/20-1/29 scale. Pinto Plastic Model Cars / Trucks / Vehicles 1/20-1/29 Scale are discounted up to 19%.

1-2 of 2 "Pinto Plastic Model Cars / Trucks / Vehicles 1/20-1/29 Scale"
AMT 1977 Ford Pinto 2T
3.2 (7)
AMT 1977 Ford Pinto 2T Plastic Model Car Kit 1/25 Scale.
Rewards : 1,316
AMT Popper 1977 Ford Pinto w/Coca-Cola Machine
4.6 (3)
AMT Popper 1977 Ford Pinto w/Coca-Cola Machine Plastic Model Car Vehicle Kit 1/25 Scale.
Rewards : 846