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Boeing beauty
I just finished this classic kit having started it back in February. This is the old Monogram kit that dates back into the 70s and that was the last time I had built one as well. The age of the kit shows in the surface detailing, raised panel lines as opposed to engraved being the biggest ' fault with the kit. There was a bit of flash on my kit but this was easily trimmed away and you will deal with ejector pin marks and the small tabs on the windows that help hold the clear pieces in place are visible on the completed model. The overall fit is pretty good for such an old kit and size. Extreme care must be taken to align all the interior sub assemblies in order to ensure that the fuselage halves go together properly. If you are going to build your kit with the bomb bay interior completed you will have to trim both the bomb racks and the wings locking tabs in order to get the wings to slide into place. Without the trimming it may very well be impossible to attach the wings properly. There is a large tab with two extensions on each wing that you insert into the fuselage and then slide forward into position. I ended up cutting away the leading protrusion on each wing in order to get the wings to slide into place.I personally do not like this method of wing attachment as I have had trouble with both this kit and the F model of the B-17 that used the same method. The landing gear is plenty strong enough to support the aircraft. Use extreme caution when cutting away the cockpit windshield from the sprue. It is moulded in a single piece and could easily be damaged due to its shape. There is a cross piece to trim away which helps. I would recommend the purchase of canopy masks as the curves of some of the glass would make it very difficult ( not impossible ) to mask off using masking tape. The instruction booklet is adequate but there were a couple of places where having reference material came in handy to obtain proper placement of interior pieces. The interior is fairly detailed keeping in mind the vintage of these moulds. There are plenty of aftermarket products one could purchase to upgrade the interior but other than the bombardier's position nearly all the interior work one does disappears once the aircraft is closed up. Revell would be smart to look at changing the decal sheet. IIRC the markings that come in the box were the ones that were being used when I first built this kit back in the mid to late 70s. Fear not though as there are dozens of B-17 decal options available and the two supplied are fine, they have been around for a long time. I did build my model as ChowHound as I like the squadron colours and the Pluto figure. The bomb cart and bombs is a nice touch and while I have yet to assemble mine it makes good starting point for a diorama and will go good with the tow tractor that one can get in the 1:48 scale B-24J kit by Revell. Painting a model this large is made easier if one has an air brush. ChowHound flew many missions before being shot down so the air brush also allows for better weathering than one could achieve with brushes. I know I have pointed out a few negatives but do not let these dissuade you from purchasing this kit. With patience and a moderate bit of skill a very nice model can be achieved straight out of the box. At the purchase price which is quite reasonable for a kit this large, one may have some money left kicking around for after market products which would greatly enhance the overall finished product. As an out of the box build I would score this kit as a 7.5 out of ten and would recommend it to a moderately skilled modeller. A beginner may experience some difficulty and become frustrated. It is the only kit in this scale that I am aware of, of this classic American bomber I put somewhere in the area of 75 hours into the building of my kit. Jeff