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user picture #811

Robert's Road 1950s Mobile Home Kit

CTY113 Images (1)
Shared By chubak007 (Tucson, AZ)

Product Reviews (26) view all

I model in ho scale so when I received this ( ordered it by mistake) I wasn't sure what to do, then I measured the parts and thought, this is what I need for my small layout industries ( they scale ou....
just a simple drill press that no shop can be without white metal casting, just wash, dry and paint....
even in the heyday of railroad passenger service not very town had train service the bus lines fill in the gaps, taking folk to larger towns and cities serviced by rail I rode on a bus just like thi....
what else can I say, but that this crew is already on my layout clearing the rite-away for a new road great scene maker....
even on small layouts we need tanks, this package has different styles and sizes great for short line railroads and small industries....
I thought I was getting one of those put together in 5 minutes kits, when I opened the box was I surprised. There's lots of detailed parts, some are made from brass wire. Nice instruction sheet and i....
a nice little lathe just a little paint and it's ready to be put on the shop floor....
when the 2nd shift goes home, it's time to repair the plants machinery this tool grinder is a great little addition to the night time, ighted shop scene on my model railroad ....
at almost 14 this is a bit pricey for me, but is a great little automobile I model 1956 and this thing is a well made copy of a car seen everywhere in the mid 1950's to late 1960's love the color s....
for under 4 this is a real bargain the paint is really great, but I'll hit mine with dul-coat to make it look like the work truck it was back in 1956 ....