Community > Members > cjakes (Mesa, AZ(USA)) > Product Reviews
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I just love the textured look this one has, you just get lost in it.....
Beautiful, just beautiful....stay with the details as close as possible and you'll see how amazing this face turns out.....
This one came with a set of 6 that I got from this web site. Overall it was pretty simple, doesn't take long to finish, but the result was quite nice.....
I got this one as part of a set of 6 that I got from this web site. The copper came through beautifully. The mother and her cubs looks rested and majestic.....
Overall this one came out pretty cool. The downside is that there were a lack of details. I think there was to much ink in the printer that caused the details to fade.....
Really nice, good details on the sailboat. Overall it doesn't take long to do.....
This one is one cool cat. It wasn't too hard to do. I went from start to finish in a day.....
This one came out looking pretty cool. The only thing is that the cowboy's face doesn't have much details.....
This one is pretty cool, the dragon heads are very detailed. There is a lot to this than it seems on the cover.....
This is another great large version that I like so much, I looked for more of the large famous locations and saw there are some more out there. I hope hobbyling will get them so I can buy'em from them....
This one turned out to be a very nice picture. It does get a bit repetitive with all the short lines.....
This one has a lot of small details that make it easier to scrape off some of the parts and not even know until it's too late.....
I thought this one was ok I guess. You have to be careful not to tear the rainbow color material, it's weaker than normal foil.....
I like the bigger version of this picture. It shows more of the NY skyline. When you are working on it some of the small details don't seem to create anything. Every once and awhile back away from it ....
I like the size of the picture. The only downside is that the picture has a lot of small details. So be careful not to lose focus, or you might have some people missing some parts walking around the b....
My dad has shown an interest in doing this type of thing for awhile, so I decided to get him a couple of these sketching made easy to get started. He says he likes the fact that they give you differe....
You get six different designs in one box. I don't know if all of the combos are the same for each set, they don't tell you which ones you get in the order. I've posted pictures of the six that I have.....
I'm just getting into the model hobby and thought this one is a good way to start. First off, it comes with 3 different colors for painting( they did come out to be a little dried up, but add a bit of....
Once you get going on this puzzle, you just can't stop. It was a lot of fun to do. Didn't take a long time either. Once you are done, the picture was awesome(I had a hard time taking it apart after).....
This puzzle was fun to do and ended up looking pretty cool. The only hard part of this puzzle was making the pieces fit into the night sky. Good thing it wasn't a 1,000 piece, or all of my hair on my ....
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