Great for Inexpensive Nut and Bolt Head Detailing-try them all
Whatever scale you're should have a variety of these hexagonal rods (I personally have ALL the sizes, just in case-).
This 0.125 size can be used for large scale projects for a beefy look...just use your imagination-even sockets for your garage wrenches-go Nuts...(pardon the Pun).
Think about all the nut and bolt detail you want to have on a car chassis, military machine, or anything that has exposed bolt/nut detail: you cut off whatever length you need (use an x-acto knife or razor saw (use with a mitre box; all sold from HobbyLinc), sand flat to size and you have a LOW COST nut, bolt head that glues to your model and when painted...looks like the real thing
Add a circular plastic disc (punch from thin plastic sheet, or cut from round stock) under the hex to look like a washer, too: cheaper than photo-etch, and looks natural when you paint them...get all six sizes; and try them on your next project.