Community > Members > polockman (Lagro, IN) > Product Reviews
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This is my 1st Salvino's kit and I was both pleasantly and unpleasantly surprised. First the pleasant: the detail of this kit is fantastic - it really gives you an insight into this NexGen car NA....
This is a nice little kit of the core vehicle of all rocketry. The V-2 is an iconic addition to any collection. The kit itself is well-designed and well-molded.The only molding issue at all was one of....
Like most modern submarine models, there are not a lot of pieces to assemble, so it is a simple build. There is a LOT of accurate detail molded into the hull and sail, making this a very realistic rep....
This is a great kit for beginners into military vehicles. Parts fit is excellent and the instructions are good enough to get the job done (at least the English version of them are). There are a LOT of....
This kit is as good as it gets. No molding flash and everything fits together well. Molded surface detail, rivets, etc. are prevalent and accurate scale-wise. The included options of building it with ....
I am really getting sold on Mission Model Paints the more I work with them. When sprayed over a primed part, the paint is very durable. This particular color dries to a flat finish. If you want a glos....
These files really come in handy - especially for cleaning up spurs that develop from sprue removal and for quickly cleaning up pieces for fitment purposes. The included round files are perfect for op....
For a small scale kit - this is an excellent choice to build. I built the Hobby Boss 1/350 scale Arizona kit 4 years ago and this kit is almost an exact Mini-Me of that kit. It has almost all the same....
There is nothing intrinsically wrong with this kit - it's just not knock-your-socks-off wonderful. The first thing you notice is the excessive flash molded on all the parts - I don't think i....
Loved this Movie when it came out and this kit is a good reproduction. The kit itself has zero flash on the parts and it engineered pretty well. many of the seams on arms, legs, etc are noticeable unl....
This is a very easy kit to build. Each ship only has maybe 12 or so pieces to it. Since the construction is so easy, it frees you up to concentrate on the details. The molding on the hulls and deck is....
The color match was perfect and Tamiya's lacquer sprays so smooth and evenly out of an airbrush. These are my new go-to paints.....
I am loving the Tamiya bottled lacquers. With minimal thinning, it sprays very smoothly, settles well and dries very quickly. This is the smoothest flat finish I've ever applied with a sprayer. I....
It's nice to see this classic rail being re-released - but it is definitely using the old-school molds. The kit is simple to build, although fitment is somewhat lacking and the instructions could....
This kit doesn't include a great deal of added detailing parts, so it is very simple to build - a great kit for beginners. Parts fit was not a problem and plastic flash was non-existent. I did no....
This is another great kit from Tamiya. Parts fit is excellent and instructions are clear. There are a ton of extra components to equip the vehicle for active deployment. I did have a little bit of tro....
Let me 1st say this is an easy kit to build; the parts fit is good, although for a high quality finish it's going to take some putty to eliminate the seams in the fuselage. The instructions aren&....
This is a great kit to put together. The parts fit together well and there was essentially no molding flash on the parts. The only issue I had at all was assembling the chassis to the body - the engin....
This was a nice, easy build. Parts fit presented no problems, nor was plastic flash an issue. Liberty ships were designed to be built very quickly in real life and this kit follows suit. Get it painte....
This kit is reasonably well-engineered. Parts fit together without any major issues and there was virtually no plastic “flash” to deal with. You do need to add nose weight to get it to sit on the ....
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