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This fence system is awesome. I bought a pack to experiment with them on my diorama, and could not be more pleased. They look great, and glue well. Additionally, I they are easy to cut/modify if need ....
I would highly recommend this plane; it's not very difficult to build, possess a lot of detail and includes PE. The directions are also very straight forward. However, there are a lot of very sma....
As always with Tamiya products, this set is great. The amount of detail the people and accessories have are awesome. Everything is also very easy to build.....
This tree is very good; realistic and easy to use.....
This product is very realistic, and really represents what field grass looks like.....
I used this product on my WW1 diorama, and just like any Woodland Scenics product, it's great. Easy to use, affordable and realistic.....
This is great stuff for your model railroads and dioramas. Easy to use and very versatile.....
I use this as a base for almost all of my dioramas. A great, realistic product that works very well.....
This is a great set; the colors are very authentic for WWI uniforms. A must buy.....
These are absolutely great. Atlas track works very well, and that's because of these joiners; highly recommend.....
A well detailed, easy to assemble kit. Cheap price and a lot of detail.....
Tamiya's panel line products are great. I use this one on engines, motors and other things. Simple to use, with great results.....
This is a very accurate model of the Lewis MK I. Easy to assemble, and a great addition to dioramas/models.....
Not many companies make accurate 1/48 figures. However, these are very good. They are realistic, and are easy to assemble.....
Very realistic navy gray. If you're looking to model British fleet or what not, use this gray. It is extremely similar to the real thing.....
If you're looking for a very accurate navy blue for planes, this is it. I used it on both a Corsair and Consolidated. If you are looking for authenticity, this is it.....
This is my favorite black that Tamiya makes; I have used it both in an airgun and Spray. It has a very nice, not glossy finish. It's a little bit different in shade as compared to rubber black.....
This is a very good looking, authentic color if you're indeed modeling German armour or what not. I have used it on many planes and vehicles, highly recommend.....
Dull red is a perfect name for this paint. It's not very bright, but not very dark either; a good medium. I used this on an Avro Colorful Annie. Sprayed well and stuck well.....
This is a great color for cockpits; all I use. Typical Tamiya paint; looks great, lasts a while and applies to surfaces easily.....
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