I recommend practicing on some extra sprue plastic before using in a model. This 1mm can put out too much paint if not careful when loading. Once you have the feel, you'll get beautiful results. Pretty much self leveling so don't keep fussing over it, put it on and leave it alone.
This is a very good alternative to using bare metal foil it has a very fine tip so it's very easy to use on small areas and somewhere that bare metal foil cannot go I have also use mine to fix chrome parts that the Chrome is busted when you break it from the sprue I just think this is a very good product it's something I use a lot more than I thought I would very much looks like real Chrome so I recommend this to everyone who want something to use other than BMf I use both but I think the more useful tools you have the better finish youi get on your model projects..BM
These Chrome pens make detailing moldings a breeze. This 1mm pen sometimes had a hard time keeping paint on it however. Be careful to have to much come out other wise you will get it all over your finished paint job. This is not meant to be clear coated over. A bit of advise, keep a q-tip with alcohol close by just in case.