Community > Members > rafterrat_2005 (Salisbury , N.C.) > Product Reviews
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First time buying one and should have done a long long time ago!! Would use a hobby knife and would make accidental scratches, but, no more not with this tool. Perfect for all military models and vehi....
The primers from VALLEJO are very easy to use great, The price is cheap too. With the amount of models that can be primed with this product compared to spray bombs there is no comparison between the t....
This is a must have for modelers who wants to paint precise areas that require different colors that butt up together. I have used it on cars, tanks and ships (models). It's very easy to use and ....
Warning this is best built if experienced but can be built if time and patience are a must even for experienced builders. This is a very detailed kit. Painting some parts are needed before the build a....
This is a joy to build and paint! It is not for a beginner! Taking plenty of time to build and reading the instructions are a must, prefitting is also a must. I haven't had such a good time build....
ok here's what I have, 28 spruce trees,jig for building tracks, link and length style tracks,1 PE tree, 1 decal sheet, cable,chain,nylon rope, 4 choices of markings---507 Ellierode Germany '....
This has to be one of the best deals I've ever bought! The sprue trees are put in bags to keep from parts being separated, I count around 1400 parts not counting the PE parts the rubber antenna a....
Very enjoyable to build! It's nice to have a model and not have to work about flash or having to putty areas that don't fit well. Perfect for the beginner or experienced builder.....
This kit is very detailed and can be enhanced with micro lights. This is a must have!!!!!!!!! for Star Wars fans and collectors....
worth the $$$ and very nice details with minute flashing....
no need looking for a better product, this is the best ....
Appears to be a new tooling because all the parts and pieces have NO extra flashing anywhere. The packing of the parts were placed where the won't move around causing damage.....
This is my first motorcycle build, after opening the box I inspected the parts and pieces everything was perfect and parts seemed as if it were a first tooling run because there were NO extra flashing....
This kit is perfect for the beginner that hasn't done that many kits. All parts are for the external sub the instructions are I the back of the box. There are ruffly 35 -/+ parts. Every thing is pl....
There are so many different styles of this kit I WILL end up buying them all because of the detail, craftsman ship in the detail TAMIYA puts in them. With the possibilities that can be done with them,....
I've never built a 1/48 scale vehicle in my 52yrs and this kit has blown me away with the persice and detail of this model truck. This IS A MUST-HAVE model to add to any military builders. I WILL BU....
As said before, very smooth and applying is slick. Will be buying more as needed....
First time ever using this name of paint, Very slick (nice) going on with no issues on applying. Will be buying more needed.....
Quality is up there, should have a little more photo etched parts included ie: disc brakes and some engine parts. Over all, yes this is a fun kit to build (must have experience though) .....
Very smooth and slick applying, not to expensive, better than other paint manufacturers. Will be buying more from them.....
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