Best model paint by far
Tamiya makes the hobby paint on the planet. Its so easy to work with. The coverage is awesome. At first, coming from Testors, I was hesitant because Testors is so thin and barely covers. Once I used it, it was a game changer. I will be switching all my paints to Tamiya.
Great acrylic paint
As with all Tamiya acrylics, thin between 1:1 and 2:1 paint to thinner for airbrushing. I personally thin about 65% thinner. 15-18 psi. Brush paint in one direction only and avoid over brushing until first coat is cured (not just dry to the touch)
Interesting color
Great color I used it on an old VW beetle car body and have gotten comments from people that they thought it looked accurate for that time period.
for a zero
I mix this with white to get a very very light green for a Zero. Basic flat Tamiya acrylic.
Odd color, looks great!
This is another weird color but it looks great when it's needed
Tamiya acrylic paints
Go on smoothly. Less odor than most other acrylics. Airbrush well.