Bondic Bondic Liquid Plastic Welder w/LED Light Hobby and Model Plastic Glue.
Milliput Standard Yellow-Grey 2-Part Self Hardening Putty.
Microscale Micro Sol Setting Solution 1 oz bottle Model Railroad Scratch Supply.
K-S Round Brass Rod 1mm x 300mm (5) Hobby and Craft Metal Rod.
Tamiya Spray Lacquer TS3 Dark Yellow 3 oz Hobby and Model Lacquer Paint.
AK Rubbing Stick Spare Tips 5mm (5) Hobby and Model Hand Tool.
Humbrol 125ml. Bottle Clear Gloss Varnish Hobby and Plastic Model Paint Supply.
Plastruct I Beam Styrene 1/4 (5) Model Scratch Building Plastic Strips.