Albatros D III WWI BiPlane

This is the 1/48 Scale Albatros D III WWI BiPlane Plastic Model Kit from Glencoe Models.

Glencoe Albatros D III WWI BiPlane Plastic Model Airplane Kit 1/48 Scale #05101
 Glencoe Models # glm05101
Retail $14.98  SAVE 20% !
Glencoe Models Item # glm05101
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Discontinued - No longer available for purchase
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Spotlight Review

"Glenco Albatros D-III"
The Glenco Albatross is not up to the standards of recent offerings in the 1/48 scale. However, it offers a unique opportunity to the scratch builder. The basics are there. The wings and fuselage measure out correctly, and the wheel size is also in scale. The devil is in the detail; old school builders, such as myself, will revel in the chance to super-detail the cockpit and the engine. I have built two of these beauties in the past, one as Werner Voss's, and one as Von Richthofen's famous stained red bird, the one in which he achieved most of his victories. By using some of the most basic techniques of stretched sprue and bits of wire, I have created some very impressive models. I recommend this kit to those who want a starter kit, as well as those like me; seriously Advanced Modeler Syndrome afflicted!

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"Rewarded for your work"
This model is often considered sub par and by some to be the worst model ever. However, if some time and ingenuity are taken it can be turned into a fairly good example of the type and is a good learning tool. Myself, a novice to intermediate builder, first built the Austrian version and made a complete disaster of it. I did however, immensely enjoy building it so I moved on to the German version some time later. Be prepared for a lot of sanding, filling and filing. The upper engine decking will need the engine bay opened up slightly to accomodate the engine itself and then putty will need to be applied at the fuselage to upper deck seams for a more smoother appearance. Also, I glued a small piece of styrene sheet to the bottom of the fuselage at the tail to allow the stabilizers to sit on top of and to give a good secure spot for gluing. The lower wings are the biggest frustration for me. The small dimple on the wing which is to be mated with the hole in the fuselage leaves a lot to be desired. What I do is to insert a 1/16 styrene rod through the width of the fuselage through the holes say a 1/4 of an inch out at each side, and then file the spot under the dimple on the wing with a triangular or square file on edge. In other words, the corner of the files surface. This leaves a trough or recess for the rod to mate with. Then glue the wing on. The rest is pretty cut and dried. Be aware however, that you best glosscote the plane before decaling as the decals silver easily. I know of what I speak. The decals are topshelf but take precautions. Overall, I would recommend this model to anyone with an interest in WWI and also someone wishing to improve their skills. As a plus, Hobbylinc, I have found has the cheapest prices on these models.

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