Great kit of a great subject
I'm very happy with this kit. Very clean moldings,no flash to be seen. Nice fit to the parts, only a couple parts needed a bit of sanding. Nice features,steerable front axle, pivoting rear axles, flip fenders and butterfly hood,cool V8 engine. The only thing I didn't care for was the solid plugs in the tires that need to be trimmed out. Not a big deal, but a bit aggravating. They are pretty nice tires once you cut the plugs out. Comes with full glass including door windows,but I left them off ti see the interior if the cab better. I hope they also rerelease the DM800 CEMENT MIXER,another awesome old ERTL kit. Will probably buy another of these.
Mack DM 800 Semi Tractor/Gravel Trailer
This is an awesome kit. The Mack V8 engine is true to the real one and a real gem. A highly detailed kit. The rear suspention is moveable with moveable U joints too. The front end has steerable wheels with moving steering linkage. The front axel is a little wide but not a big deal. The hood is so cool. The hood sides open and the front fenders tilt forward to fully show off the great Turbo V8 engine. The instructions are easy to follow and assembly is easy to do provided you have building skills. As always test fit parts so you know how to put it together like all good builders. This kit is not for brand new builders. The Gravel Trailer (available here and in stock) also has the option to cut it down to build a dump truck body to use on the truck or any truck kit. The instructions tell you how to do it. The trailer has cut lines molded in it on the inside and a front dump truck part to put on the front of the cut down trailer with a cab protector. The combo looks so cool you will want to get a few to make the truck and trailer. With the left over parts from the cut down trailer and some parts from the part box you can make a two or three axel dolly to hook up the trailer behind the dump truck. The trailer kit also comes with a rear hitch too. The lift cylinder for the dump is two halves and does not operate though. If you have the skill you can make a working lift cylinder from aluminum rod for both. I highly recommend these two kits.