More trouble than reward.
I waited a long time to finally have someone release a 1:48 F-35 that actually had some accuracy to it. After the B model was released, I was a bit disappointed by some of the initial reviews I had read about it. Not so much the look of the kit, but the very confusing instructions, and even more baffling anomalies with the engineering. Fast forward a few months to Kitty Hawk's announcement of the A model. This would be the one I'd be interested in building, and surely they'd have fixed the issues with the instruction manuals if nothing else. Wrong. Wrong part call outs, backward fitting parts, mislabeled parts on the trees, and not enough clarification as to why some parts are included or omitted (my A model didn't have pitot probes, and from what I gather, none of them do, so I had to scratch build a couple) The second biggest pain about this kit is the masking to get a decent paint job of the RAM material. I spent 16 hours of tedious masking using tiny strips of masking tape to finally get the plane prepped for about ten minutes of painting. No doubt, the result looks much better, and yes, many people just paint the kit one solid color as oppose to bothering with the ram outline, but this wasn't an option for me, as the kit I was building was for Lockheed Martin's exhibits department. I wish someone would come out with either a decal or masking set by now. Would make this kit a lot more bearable. All in all, it CAN be made to look really decent, and for the most part, the fit of the parts (when you can finally determine which ones are which) is really pretty nice. I had a few issues with getting the fuselage parts closed up without any gaps. A generous amount of rubber bands had to help finally get her sealed up. I guess the only disappointment I have at this rate is the fact that in the past six months there's been three companies who have released 1:72 scale molds for this platform, but sadly, we're still left with this nightmare if you want a 1:48 scale kit. I wish someone would hurry up and come up with something better.
Kittyhawk 1/48 F-35A
This kit is molded in seven grey sprues and a clear sprue and has a ton of detail in it. One thing I really like is the photo-etch fret included in it. One thing that's been fixed from the last release of the F-35 IS the dark gray molding, which made it slightly harder to see details. Some moulding has also been updated
Kitty Hawk 1/48 F-35A
This kit is molded in seven grey sprues and a clear sprue and has a ton of detail in it. One thing I really like is the photo-etch fret included in it. One thing that's been fixed from the last release of the F-35 IS the dark gray molding, which made it slightly harder to see details. Some moulding has also been updated.