In the box review
The detail on these figures is excellent. Planning on using them in a diorama with an M-48 I'm working on. There are many options, including boonie hats, helmets, various weapons to choose from (including a shotgun, an M-14, and the M-16), field packs, etc. There will plenty of stuff left over for the parts box.
Many many options to make each gun and man different. Included in the kit are multiple versions of ArmaLite Rifles, 1 shotgun, 1 grenade launcher, 1 of what appears to be an M21, Each man gets a variety of hats, pouches, bags etc. The men included appear to be a radioman, a Sargent, a machine gunner, and marksman. The Sarge has 2 arm types, gun up and on his shoulder and pointing at something, or a down and ready to fight with the shotgun. The Radioman's radio has superb detail. It's really easy to add the radio antenna using a super fine gauge wire. Plenty of Entrenchment tools are included. There are 4 included smoke grenades and 4 fragmentation grenades. If you want something that is relatively easy to assemble, this is the kit. I'm 16 and I've been working maybe an hour or two each night for about 3 days. If you take your time, they look fantastic. Washing them with Vallejo green wash for the uniforms and brown wash for skin and canvas really make them come to life.