Easy build, epic liftoffs, resilient flyer!
Leaving a review as my kids and I just tree'd our 15-month old MAV launching during gusty winds yesterday and came back to purchase another. This is an epic flyer on C6 engines - nice slow liftoff - the C6-3 is definitely recommended, but this can be launched with C6-5 engines if you're worried about wind drift and are willing to push the envelope a little on the delay. The MAV is a resilient - I suspect we had 40+ launches before landing it a rocket-eating tree near our launch field - and quite a few of these launches saw tangled parachute lines, and after a while, a melted parachute, and never needed repairs. This rocket just kept bouncing back. Easy to load, easy to launch, always a hit with the kids. Takes all of five minutes to build. Highly recommended to add this to your fleet.