Go to engine
These are our go to engines for most of our 18mm rockets. The 5 second delay is the most versatile of the options, and will work well for all but the very heaviest 18 mm rockets. The delay is a little short for the minimum diameter rockets like the Estes Hi Flier, but that is a good thing as it keeps it within site...just barely.
Bulk Is Simply Better!
As a teacher of Electronics and Aerospace Technologies at a Technology Center I am always looking for exciting ways to get my students involved in activities that will challenge them but, at the same time provide them with a rewarding sense of accomplishment, increased self esteem and most importantly an opportunity to have some fun while learning.
I have found few project oriented methods that perfectly fit that description better than model rocketry!!
They say that it is always better to buy in bulk! Well speaking from experience, especially through Hobbylinc, that truly is the way to go!
With a class load of 25 to 30 students, it doesn't take long at all to go through many, many rocket engines in a very short time frame. I'm not talking about any waisted engines either. The students simply get so excited about building and flying their rockets, they can't fly them enough.
As an instructor, there is nothing worse, in my opinion, than having a group of students get really excited about a project like model rockets and then be forced to stifle that enthusiasm by having to tell them, sorry, we're out of rocket motors!!
The bottom line is , Bulk Up!! With limited educational funds, buying in bulk is the most cost efficient way to insure you'll have all the materials you'll need for your students, scouts or youth group when their needed and to keep the fun rolling!!
Bulk Educator Engine Packs are available in a wide variety of Impules and delay charges as well as including recovery wadding, igniters and plugs.
Don't be caught short on the flight line!
Clear Skies!